List of Tamil words in Cheke Hola (Maringe/Hograno) language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
Cheke Holo (also called Maringe or Mari?e, A’ara, Holo, Kubonitu) is an Oceanic language spoken in the Solomon Islands. Its speakers live on Santa Isabel Island.
Clues to read Cheke Holo words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
Cheke Hola (Maringe/Hograno) Dictionary – BY Geoffrey M. White
English - Cheke Holo – Tamil
*1. go- age- yaeku agne- inkae; letters are in reversed order.
3.gather- agu- saekka
*4.cry - akuroga- karaika
5.listen carefully- auglolo- kavanamakaelu; ka= va; va= ka ; kavanam- attention; kaelu- listen.
*6. take- atha- edu
*7.get- atha- adaiya
*8. build- bannu – pannu
9.wide- bakal- akalam
*10. go away – bethe- poaeidu
*11. swell- beti- pudaiththida
12.behind- bete- pinaadi
13. stone oven- biti – aduppu – letters are in reversed order.
14.small black ant- bibilha- pippilam
*15. break apart / tear apart- bunuthu- peinchchida
*16. pimple- boboroguha- paru paruvaaka/ many pimples fat - blokha- - kozhukka; letters are in reversed order; kozhuppu- fat.
*18. shut- bobotho- poottu
19.expression of surprise- bodi – appaadiyaa?!
*20.pluck/ feathers- bubuthu- peiththidu moon- bugagra- kaar uvaa; ka= va; va=ka; kaar- dark; uvaa-moon.
22.burn off – bruga- erikka
*23. pigeon- bora- puraa
*24. grass- buburu – pur
25. rotton- boto- uoosipoaeida
26.nosiy chatter- bruega- urakka uraikka; urakka- loudly; uraikka- speak.
*27. something got stuck /caught- chakhi- sikka
*28. tell/ say- facheke- paesuka
*29.ask / consult – chekelegu- kaeluka- ask ; kalakka- consult.
* 30.rub- dadaha- thaeiththidu
*31. wipe- dale- thudaiththal dei- paaththidu
*33.ear ring- dedu- thoadu
34.ear ornament- dedene- thoadu ani; ani- ornament.
*35. blood- dadara- uthiram
36.stamp- daka- nadakka
37.stamp- daka- mithikka
38. bald head- dale- thalai yil mudi- illai; thalai- head; mudi- hair; illai- nil.
39.breast- chuu- paachhci
40.step- dedeka- adi edukka
41.walk- dodokho- nadakka
42.tie up / bind- dodogo- kattu; letters are in reversed order.
*43. tremble- dedede- thudiththida
*44. swell up- deadeka- uoothiduka / thadikka
*45.bad- dia- theeethu
*46. broken- dia- udaiya
47.wrong- fadia- thappu; letters are in reversed order; theethu.
48.reach- dufu- adai
49.parcel- duki- kattu; letters are in reversed order.
*50. drumming- dududu – thattu
51.unripe/ immature- doudou- muththaathu
52.circumcised- dola- tholeillai; thole- skin; illai- nil.
53.dig a hole- dokha- thoanduka
54.slant- eklo- koanal
*55. have sexual intercourse- eni- inaiya/ join;pannu eni- pannu
57.what- enha- enna
58.accuse- fagoro- kurai kooru; kurai- mistake; kooru-say.
59.complete- fatoke- mudikka
*60. suppress an urgent need- fatuga- adukku
61.upper arm- gagavo- kai
62.burn down- gara- erikka; letters are in reversed order.
63.ocean wave- galo- azhaikal; letters are in reversed order.
*64. stick- to carry objects- galioho- kazhi
65.dried /wine - gata- kaaintha kodi- kaaintha- dried; kodi- vine.
66.coral lime stone- garano- kaarai munn; kaarai-lime; munn- soil.
*67. type of vine - gethu- kodi gila- valai; ka= va; va= k.
*69. interval of time- gliu- kaalam
70. happy- glea- makizha;kalippu.
*71. death- glehe- kazhiya/ kaalamaaka
72. leak- glulu- ozhuka; letters are in reversed order.
*73. tree used as a timber- gluja- kazhi
*74. flock- glufa- kuzhu
*75.slimy/ substance- glueluve- kozha kozha nnu
76. dry water- gata- thanni kaainthida/ vaththa; ka= va; va- ka; thanni- water; kaainthida- to become dry; vaththa- dry .
*77. anklet- gogolo- kaalkolusu; kaal- leg; kolusu – anklet.
*78. tree kind- gogolo- kazhi
79.sea shore- gratha- kadar karai; kadar- sea; karai-shore; letters are jumbled.
80.dried sheath of coconut leaf- greto- thenna-k-keetru; thennai- coconut tree; keettru – coconut leaf; letters are misplaced.
81.hamlet- guru- kurichchi; girama
82.pimple- grubi –muka kuru/ muka paru;letters are jumbled; mukam- face; kuru- small eruption.
83.gruigrubi- many pimples; kurukuruvaka; paru paru vaaka- letters in reversed order; ka= va; va= ka; paru- pimple; kuru- eruption/ boils.
*84. canoe- gulu- kalam
*85. incise- gagra- keeru
86.early morning- gagra – karukkar
*87. completed- gado- kedi attention- gao gatho – kavanamkaattu; kavaniththukaettidu; kaathu kodu; kavanam- attention; kaathu- ear; kaettidu- listen; ka= va; va= ka.
89.scratch- garo- sorika; letters are in reversed order.
90.respect- gathobohe – mathikka
*91. sharpen- gorhu- kooraakku
92.meeting- haidi – koottam;’ha’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
93. number- hana- enn
94. steer a canoe- hiti- oaattu
95. upland- holo- kallakam; ‘h’ is read as; ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
96.push against- huta- idi
*97. mother- ido- thaai
98.similar- jateu – oththa
99.burn- juru -eri
100.count- kaha – ennuka
*101.hard /solid- kata- kettiya
*102.bite- kathu- kadi
*103.seed- katu- kottai
*104.swell up into a lump- katu- katti aaka ;katti- swelling.
105.chop wood- kato- kattaiyae vettu/kaathu; kattai -wood;vettu- cut; kaathu-cut; ka= va; va= ka.
*106.testicle- katu- kottai
107. leave- klisu- akalu
108. break up with laughter- kelgo– kala kalannu ilikka; ilikka- smile.
109. remove- kii- neekku
*110.pluck- kiti- koaithidu
*111. short inlength/ height- kmoe- kammi
* shortened- krodo – kuraiththidu
*113. drip-/ rain fall koto- kotta
*114. beat a rhythm – kotio- kottu
115.move alittle bit- kru- nakaru
* 116.begin become to smaller and weaker- kruruhu – kuruka
*117.faeces- khuku- kakka
118. type of tree- khadahi- kattai / wood -common name.
119.swollen painful gland of armpit- khalabae- akkaul kazhalai; akkul- axila; kazhalai- swelling.
120.cough- khaja- kakka
121. barren / no child- khara – karu inmai; karu- child; inmai- nil.
122. spouse/ husband/ wife - khetogna-kattiya kanavan /manaivi; kattiya- married; kanavan- husband; manaivi- wife; ka= va; va= ka.
*123.walking stick- khodo – kai thadi; kai- hand; thadi- stick.
124.water- khou – kayam; aqua
*125.pull- lali – izhu
*126. become thin in ill health- leolego- olliyaaka / elaikka
*127.lamp- lui- oli
*128.ripe- moita- muththiya
*129.your- mu- umm
130.done- moita- mudinthathu nigo -neenkka
* /converse- nudu- nodi
*133.your- nou- un
*134.but- nu -aanaa
135.lying down/ fatigue - oda- paduththida
136.make a pudding- papati- puttu pannu; puttu- pudding; pannu- make.
137. blister on the skin from burns – paprae – poriya –blister from burns; pori poriyaa /rashes.
* off- pridi- paranthida
139. hit / slap- poda- adi; adi poadu
140. work meticulously with great attention – puthu- paththu paathu panniyathu;panniyathu- made.
141. fast through the air as an arrow-phuto- paainthida
142.single- pheda- oththaiyaa
*143.make presentation of gifts- phuta – padai
*144.cut or chop into small pieces- riorido- aruththidu /arinthidu
*145.gone by - salau- sella
*146.quiet, not crying at birth/ baby - sesedo- sisu oaasaiidaathu; sisu- baby; oasai - noise; idaathu- not making.
147. be small- sitei- sinnathu / small; soatta
148. urinate- soso- uchchaa poa; poa- to pass; uchcha- urine.
149.unable to urinate at length- soso k moto- uchcha poakamudiyaathu; poaka- to pass- mudiyathau- cannot.
150.desire strongly/ be eager for- sosoi- aasai assaiyaa
*151.child- sua- sisu
* suga- saaikai
153.flee in fear- taba thae- oaadipoaeida; letters are jumbled.
154.touch by hand- tabo– thodu/ touch
*155.sharpen / knife- taetage- theettuka
156.adopted child- thaego – thaththu edukka/to adopt
157. to care for the child/ upbringing- taego- paaththukka
158.catch by hand- tako – pidikka/ catch
159.swim- tao- neenthu
160. float- tathao– mithanthida
*161.prayer- tarai -oathuthar; thiru marai oaathuthar; thiru marai- holy script.
* taru- aaduthar
163.sing - taru- paaduthar
* by one- tataha- othtai othaiyaa
165. calm down/soothe- tatanna- thanithida
*166. that- te- athu
*167. which- te- yethu
*168. tremble- tetete- thudi thudiththida
169.stone oven- thetego- mukkottu; letters are in reversed order.
170.weave together- tikhi- thunnka / neithiduka / mudaika
171.elder sister- tigagu- mooththa akka; mooththa- elder- akka- elder sister.
172.elder brother- tigagu- mooththa kaakkaiyan; mooththa- elder; kaakkaiyan- elder brother.
173.gaze/ stare- toe toe- uththu paaththidu
174.plait- tikhi- pinniduka / mudaika
175.pour- tofa- uooththu
*176.collide- tokhi- idikka/ moathuka
* tora- thira
*178.shake -totokha-aattuka cover – totoku – mooduka
180.small shelter- thotoku- kottakai-; letters are in reversed order.
181.carry a child on shoulders- toto gale- thaolil kuzhanthai yaei thooku; letters are jumbled; thoal- shoulder; kuzhanthai- child; thookku- carry/ lift.
*182.take step- tu- adi edu; letter is read more than once.
*183.hit- tu- adi
* pound- tuge- idikka / podikka
185.beat on with a stick- tue tuge- thadi / kattai kondu adikka /thaakka; letters are jumbled; - thadi- stick; kattai- wood; kondu -with; adikka- beat- thakka- strike.
186.join- tudu- inaiththidu /saeththidu
187. give- tufa- thaa
188.burn- tunu- thee idanum; thee- fire; idu- do.
189.stretch- thunnu- neettu; letters are in reversed order.
190.fight- tupi- adi pidi / adi thadi
191.act in a play- tukma- kooththu kattanum /nadikkanum; kooththu- skit.
192. change- tuga- maaththuka
*193.hit- tututu- idiththidu /adiththidu
195.fight with fists- tutu– mutti adi – muti- fist; adi- beat.
*196.fight- tututu- adi thadi
*197.flat- thada- thattai -yaa
*198.far /distant- theigau- ettakka
*199.penis- thiti- thadi
200.cockroach- khokorosi- karappan poochchi
*201.arrive- thoke- adaika
*202.chop- kato- koththu khilo au- koa-il / koavil/temple
*204.ocean- thonna- thanni / water
* thue- oaadu
*206.thick- thuta- thadiththa
*207sleep- thuru – thuyirchchi
*208.shootan arrow- uto- yeithidu
209.ship- vaka- vankkam
*210.put -vage- vaikka
* vese- vaai asai; vaa- mouth; asai- move.
212.aim- kekene- noakkam – letters are in reversed order.
213.canoe- tholla- mathalai
214.clothes- phipichi – paasi / panju
215.concave- klogu – kuzhiyaaka
216.cooked- muita- samiththathu
217. cup – pani keni; munn kinnam- claycup;kineme- cup; munn- soil.
218.gather in arms- agu – anaikka/ hug tothogei – koottam; letters are in reversed order.
220.heap- tothogei – kuviththiduka; ka= va; va- ka; letters are in reversed order.
*221.heart burn- ruru- eriya
222.hammer- tutu- suththi
*223.incise- gagra- keeru
*224. indented- plage- pilakka / pallamaaka
*225. kick-thogi - uthaikka
226.mat- babafo- paai a person- khato– kandidu
* nogu- enakku / for me
*229.our- nomi- num
230.our- noda- num udaiya
*231.penis/ small boy- muno- maani
232.penis- sou- sunni
233.penis- thae- thandu; letter is read more than once.
234.point at – tusu khame; sutti kaami; sutti- letters are in reversed order.
*235.pound- tuge- idikka /podikka
236. prevent- fatetheo- thadu
*237.push- tuga- idikka
238.prostitute- kikirase- kanikaiyar
239.remembrance- tuthuana- ninaiththida/ to rememeber
*240.ripe- gano – kaniya
*241.ripe-muita/ deadeka – muththa / muththiduka
242.braided rope- phijiri – piri
*243.scratch- chrahi- sorika/ soriya
*244.scream- krai- karaiya
245.send- fatei- anuppidu
246.skit- thukma- naadakam
247.sign- boboi- oppam
248.shiny – lio lino ; pala palannu
249.stare idly - dodorobuta – uththu paarththidu; letters are jumbled.
*250.stick- gaiju– kuchchi
251.a stick- laka- kazhi; letters are in reversed order.
*252.swell from bite- tuthuba- thadaiththida
253.swim- eno eno– neenthu
*254.sway - thiu– aada ginei – innaikku;letters are in reversed order.
256.tilt- tiu – saaiththidu
*257.visible- kakhana-kannkaana; kann-eye; kaana- to see.
258.way - thei tei –thadam
*259.tease- gatha -akadu
* /rendezvous- faridede- paarththtida
261.level- totoke- mattamaakku /to level
* tothoga- oththathaaga / thakuthi udaiyathaaka
263.wait for- tuka- kaaththiduka; letters are in reversed order.
265.become erect/ penis- tuga- nattamaka
266.make contact- ta- thoda/ otta /thottida; letter is read more than once.
267.hardened- thuka- kettiyaakiya / kadinamakakiya; letters are in reversed order.
268. khau – kukkan
269.pond-khae- poikai / koomam kilo- azhaikka; letters are in reversed order.
271.small bit- /small amount- khata- thunukku; letters are in reversed order.
*272.pool- kholo- kulam
273.think - gatho -enniduka / ninaiththiduka
*274.deceive- fakuiti- pakattu; geththu; kaathu kuththu
275.nod one’s head- doadoka- mandai yaei aattuka; mandai- head; aattuka- shake.
276.tired- daga- thakaivu /fatigue; thookkam/sleep; ka= va= va= ka.
*277.find- dei- thaedu; letter is read more than once.
*278.wing/ building- baka-pakkam